Your Five Day Cleanse

It is our intention that you receive the fullness of your cleanse - not just with the nutrition for your body to heal, but also for the opportunity to dive deep and release the parts of you whose time has come to depart.

We have designed this program so you can connect with it as much or as little as you like. For those who are ready to go deep, we have below a series of healing modalities for you to enjoy at your leisure. For those of you who just want to enjoy our delicious juice and nourish your bodies, please take what you need as you go

Your Five Day Cleanse


"Our intention creates our reality" - Wayne Dwyer

We are creatures of habit, and you have spent your life up to now making certain choices that have lead you to where you are right now. When you do a cleanse you are giving yourself the opportunity to disrupt your habits and create new ones - ones that you have consciously created that serve your greatest good.

When you are doing a juice cleanse the most obvious habits you will break are ones around food, but we also invite you to delve a little deeper and a little broader during your cleanse to examine all aspects of your life that may require cleansing and refreshing.

Embarking on a juice cleanse can be both invigorating and transformative for your well-being. However, the true essence of this cleanse lies not just in the juices themselves, but in the intentions you set before beginning this journey. Our Intention Setting Guide and Pre Cleanse Guide serve as your compass, helping you navigate through the upcoming days with purpose and mindfulness. By delving into these guides, you'll lay the foundation for a cleanse that goes beyond the physical, nourishing not only your body but also your mind and spirit.



Welcome to your Sol Cleanse



Many people find day one to be easy as they still have residual food in their system providing them with plenty of energy. It is, however, quite common to feel a bit tired, lethargic and perhaps have a headache towards the evening. This is a good sign that toxins are being released. The best remedy for this is keeping your fluids up and having an early night.

Occasionally towards the end of the day people can feel nauseous and very rarely even vomiting. This is a sign that toxins are being released into your system and your detoxification organs can't quite cope with the influx. This particularly happens if you have come from having a less than healthy lifestyle or haven't prepared adequately for the cleanse. Most people that experience this feel great when they wake up on day 2. To support yourself, keep sipping on Be Light Tea and water, don't force yourself to drink juice if you don't feel to, listen to your body and have an early night.

For coffee drinkers that haven't weaned off caffeine leading into your cleanse, it is quite common to have the classic headache from coffee withdrawals. Hang in there - keep sipping Be Light Tea and water, take a nap, try to avoid Panadol or similar if possible and if it's unbearable try a green tea to see if that helps.

Wellness is here



Today we invite you to be really present with your cleanse experience without expectation of how you're going to feel or what is going to happen and without judgement or comparison of how other people feel when they cleanse.

Our body holds deep wisdom for us if we choose to listen, and now while you are cleansing is the perfect time to start tuning in. Our body awareness is heightened while we cleanse and you might start to notice messages coming through about how your body feels. You can ask yourself:

  • Does my body need to rest
  • Which juice or elixir is calling out to me right now
  • Is there a particular food that my body (not my mind) is craving right now that I can have when I finish my cleanse?

Have I looked at my intention setting worksheet today and reflected?

Stay present with the process, you are doing great things for your entire being

The halfway mark



With a clear space comes a clear mind and greater peace. You are already in the process of cleansing, and you might be feeling a natural inclination to start sorting through those cluttered cupboards and clearing some space in your home - go with it! This is a good time to dedicate some energy into clearing out the old to create space that is in line with the new lifestyle you are creating for yourself. Need some inspiration?

Everything that happens in your space creates an energetic imprint that gets stored there. You don’t need to be a spiritual guru to be aware of negative energy in your space - think about how a room feels when there has just been an argument in it, or the lightness when there has been a joyful occasion.

Take some time today to clear your space.We invite you to explore our range of healing modalities that complement today’s cleanse. Get into something comfortable and open your heart to a day of self love.

Taking a moment to check in



You may have noticed as you have been cleansing that you will be starting to feel lighter, and perhaps even your mind has become clearer. Many people report the feeling of the fog being lifted and having greater clarity of thought. We hope that this has started to happen for you!Wherever you are at, let's take the mind clearing process a step further while you're here.Most of our mind clutter comes from compulsive, repetitive, often irrational thoughts or concerns that go round and round. Stress and concern commonly arise from these thought processes from a feeling of overwhelm and helplessness.

Because while you have been cleansing you haven't been able to suppress your emotions with the unhealthy comfort foods we generally reach for when we're feeling an emotion, just as stored toxins are being released from your body to be eliminated the potential is there for your stored emotions to come to the surface and be released too. You may have noticed some niggling feelings of discomfort bubbling to the surface. You may be feeling irritable, full of rage, shame, waves of sadness or a feeling of dread. This is completely normal as these feelings that have been suppressed for so long come up to be experienced and released.

As you have started practicing on previous days, take a quiet moment now to check in with yourself... How am I feeling? What do I need right now?

Some beautiful offerings are waiting for you, get ready to dive deep.

Your final day



Here we are at the final day of your cleanse.

Preparing for coming off your cleanse will help you to stay on track post-cleanse and really receive all the benefits from your cleanse. Now is your chance to do some planning around your food and activities for the next few days (or more if possible!). Remember habits take 21 days to form, so if you can keep up with the clean eating and positive wellbeing practices, you will set yourself up for long term lifestyle changes. You’ve got this!


Upon finishing a cleanse you’re craving fresh, whole foods because you can finally hear the subtle messages from your body

Transitioning from a cleanse back to your regular routine requires thoughtful planning to avoid reverting to old habits. To support you in this transition, we suggest exploring the following product options. These offerings are designed to not only amplify your outcomes but also to help sustain newfound wellness practices and cultivate a state of optimal health.

Organic Whole Food Meal Pack

Organic Whole Food Meal Pack

Three days of nourishing elixirs, smoothies, and meals that ignite your inner...

Celery Juice

Celery Juice

Experience digestive support and reduced bloating with our 4-pack of Organic Celery...



A soothing herbal tea blend to support your body’s natural detoxification processes....

Goodness Greens

Goodness Greens

Infuse your body with the power of plants.