You may have noticed as you have been cleansing that you will be starting to feel lighter, and perhaps even your mind has become clearer. Many people report the feeling of the fog being lifted and having greater clarity of thought. We hope that this has started to happen for you!Wherever you are at, let's take the mind clearing process a step further while you're here.Most of our mind clutter comes from compulsive, repetitive, often irrational thoughts or concerns that go round and round. Stress and concern commonly arise from these thought processes from a feeling of overwhelm and helplessness.
Because while you have been cleansing you haven't been able to suppress your emotions with the unhealthy comfort foods we generally reach for when we're feeling an emotion, just as stored toxins are being released from your body to be eliminated the potential is there for your stored emotions to come to the surface and be released too. You may have noticed some niggling feelings of discomfort bubbling to the surface. You may be feeling irritable, full of rage, shame, waves of sadness or a feeling of dread. This is completely normal as these feelings that have been suppressed for so long come up to be experienced and released.
As you have started practicing on previous days, take a quiet moment now to check in with yourself... How am I feeling? What do I need right now?
Some beautiful offerings are waiting for you, get ready to dive deep.