Our juice

Why you can taste the difference

Have you ever noticed the difference in taste, colour, texture and freshness of juices depending on where you purchase them from? That's because there's a lot of different ways juice can be created... some better than others.

We are extremely passionate about the quality of our juice. Sol Cleanse is without a doubt one of the highest quality and nutritionally rich juices you can have. Here are our non negotiables when it comes to our juice.

Sol Cleanse juice is created from the freshest Organic produce from local farmers.

You only get out what you put in right? At Sol Cleanse we use the freshest, organic ingredients to create a superior juice in quality, health benefits, and most importantly, taste! Over the years we have developed fabulous relationships with local organic farmers, and literally get our produce straight from the farm – picked one day, juiced the next. You can’t find a raw juice cleanse with fresher produce.

Sol Cleanse juice is cold-pressed

At Sol Cleanse we use a state of the art hydraulic cold press juicer to produce our raw organic juice. Cold-pressing produces the highest quality juice as it retains vital nutrients. This offers greater health benefits plus a denser texture and a more vibrant taste for the optimal juice cleanse.

Sol Cleanse juice is fresh, unpasteurised & raw juice

High pressure pasteurised juices that are bottled in plastic can still claim to be cold pressed as they are treated with pressure, not heat. Unfortunately, pasteurisation kills off majority of the living enzymes in the juice, and it’s these enzymes that our body uses to digest sugar! This process also reduces the nutritional content of the juice.

Our juice is as nature intended it – raw and fresh! This means our juice has a short shelf life which is perfect because it means our raw juice is ALIVE – full of enzymes and nutrients, giving you the best possible health-promoting boost for your vegan body cleanse.

Sol Cleanse juice is served in glass

Whilst glass is the most expensive option, we care about the environment and we care about you. When it comes down to it, there is really only one choice – juice served in glass.

Glass is by far the preferable option for preserving the health benefits of our juice.

From the outset of our production of raw juice on the Gold Coast, we have relied on glass as it causes no plastic leaching or contamination. It is also the most environmentally friendly choice. We actively choose not to use any single-use plastics in the production or distribution of our products. Combine this with our cafe recycling scheme for our glass bottles, and we can sleep at night knowing we are doing our very best in caring for mother nature and her future.

Our Range of Cold-Pressed Juices

Explore our range of Nut Milks & Smoothies

Explore our range of Soups, Broths & Dahls

Explore our range of Whole Food Meals & Salads

Which Cleanse is right for you?

Which cleanse level should I get started with? We've together a few questions to help you determine which cleanse is right for you. Click the button below to take the quiz!