We think feeling healthy shouldn’t be complicated, and that consuming the most nutrient-dense, whole-food diet allows us to thrive, and therefore make a positive impact in our world.

Every person is different with a different body type, different health challenges and different lifestyles, which is why we have simplified, and carefully designed our cleanse programs to ensure that you have access to sufficient nutrients for healthy normal functioning. By returning to the purity of organic nourishment of our juice or whole food cleanses, in essence you are giving all your detoxification organs less work to do, particularly the liver and digestive system.

When we begin to wonder how our body detoxes or cleanses, the reality is that it is happening unconsciously for us, every second, of every day. Every breath you take, without you even realising is your body carrying out one of its many roles of detoxification.

Read on to gain insight into the process of detoxification and why cleansing is beneficial.


Detoxification is the combined synergy and ability of the liver, urinary, digestive, respiratory, integumentary (skin) and lymphatic systems to eliminate any harmful compounds we encounter, both internally and externally. If we break this down further, the natural process is that toxins typically enter through the lungs, skin, gut/intestines and will exit through the lungs, skin, kidneys, and colon. If you are wondering, “but what about the liver?” I’m here to tell you that the liver is extra special, as it processes the body’s every incoming and outgoing compound, which is why it really is considered the primary organ of detoxification.

So, if our body has this incredible automatic network of detoxification organs and specific pathways and enzymes that are working for us 24/7, then why do we need to worry about detoxing?

The reality is, that we are exposed to more toxins, chemicals, and harmful compounds in our environment than ever before. Our bodies can only take so much at one time. When we throw in poor dietary choices, medications, alcohol, smoking, synthetic personal care products, sedentary lifestyles and stress into the mix, the body’s natural ability to detoxify and eliminate these compounds is already burdened. Those toxins are then retained or recirculated by the body and overtime contribute to various chronic health conditions and symptoms. Fatigue, bowel irregularities, digestive complaints, fluid retention, increased sensitivities to food and chemicals, poor immunity, frequent headaches, skin rashes, inability to lose weight and brain fog are some symptoms and signs of a sluggish and burdened system.

When we introduce a nutrient dense, chemical-free, juice or whole food cleanse, in essence we are giving all our detoxification organs less work to do, particularly the liver and digestive system. By lifting some of the everyday burden and delivering concentrated nutrients in their purest form, we create a more harmonious and efficient environment to address any stored, stagnant and unwanted substances (toxins, chemicals and so on) so that they can be mobilised and eventually eliminated by the body.

Let’s take a look into how each key organ naturally cleanses

Oxygen is the number one most important thing we need. It is our life force. So, it’s no surprise that our lungs have the constant duty of filtering the air we breathe in and breathe out. It is literally through breathing that we transport fresh oxygen to every cell in our body. It is the haemoglobin in our blood that looks to grab this oxygen up and transport it around to our tissues via the bloodstream. Our autonomic nervous system works to control the expansion and contraction of our lungs to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Our lungs can become overburdened with toxins and chemicals from our environment every day - think smoking or breathing in exhaust fumes or working in industrial spaces. It is also through chronic shallow breathing particularly in sympathetic nervous system dominance (fight or flight response) that we are not supporting our entire respiratory system to do the job it is intended to do in the cleansing process.

The average adult filters approximately 10,000 litres of air each day, therefore when we cleanse our environment, our food, our space and focus on deep breathing techniques we are giving our lungs the best chance to stay healthy and support detoxification.

Which Cleanse is right for you?

Which cleanse level should I get started with? We've together a few questions to help you determine which cleanse is right for you. Click the button below to take the quiz!