The Sol Journal

Cleansing and Kinesiology with Calm State


Cleansing and Kinesiology with Calm State

02 May, 2024

Find out more about the practice of Kinesiology and how it can accompany your cleanse experience. We hear from Charlotte from Calm State Kinesiology about how the two wellness practices can work synergistically.

Kinesiology is a modality we use to communicate with your body and your subconscious mind to see what may be causing an imbalance in the body/mind/spirit. Kinesiology was founded by a Chiropractor who noticed that his patients kept coming back with the same ailment’s week after week – it was as though the body would realign and then the unchanged factors in our internal and external world that originally got us to that point gradually undo it. When using the same muscle feedback testing that they use in Chiropractic to gain information around what emotions or beliefs were keeping this tension caught in the body, the changes were much longer lasting.

It is essentially about bringing your entire system back into balance in a way we often can’t do with only the information from our conscious mind. From this place of alignment, we move through life with more ease and our body, and minds are more able to cope with the external pressures of life.

Calm State Kinesology

Cleansing & Kinesiology

Kinesiology can be very cleansing as every thought or emotion we hold within us, or anything that has not processed for us holds a weight and an energy and often dense matter in our physical body. Often through the process clients will have stomach gurgling/releases as we process through emotions that come up from either the present or the past. You can also experience bowel releases as the balance integrates which is a welcome example of how physical our emotional releases can be.

I encourage every client to drink a lot of water after their session to help facilitate and support the shifts, just like in any detox.

I recently completed a 3-day Sol Cleanse Level 1 Cleanse and can personally speak to the potency of using your cleanse time as a real emotional and physically cleanse by leaning into self-enquiry. This is something we can all do through journaling, self-reflection, meditation etc. But having a way to bypass our conscious mind, like Kinesiology can be powerful.

Just like any time we remove something from our life that we normally rely on it can bring up a lot for us. Especially when you take the time to really go inward through a cleanse and slow life down. This is a potent time to work with the body and the subconscious mind as you are already initiating a release.

What to expect from Kinesiology

Each session is so varied and will look unique to what your body and energy is asking for in the moment. I use a range of techniques and remedies to facilitate the shifts required in your physical, emotional, and energetic body.

These include but are not limited to guided breath practices, TCM acupressure point massage, meridian flushing, vibrational sound therapy, holistic counselling, intuitive healing and insight, energetic remedies such as essential oils, vibrational medicine such as flower essences.

For this reason, I have filmed a series called the ‘Calm State Experience Series’ that features on my Instagram @calmstatekinesiology where a client speak to what led them to try Kinesiology, what they experienced through their session, and what how their Kinesiology sessions have impacted their life.

Calm State Kinesiology is offering all Sol Cleanse customers $20 off an initial session when taking part in a juice cleanse. You can have this session in person in Hampton or Middle Park (Melbourne) however you can also receive Kinesiology via Telehealth. Reach out to Charlotte from Calm State Kinesiology for more info.