The Sol Journal

Protein, hormones & overall wellness: A Naturopath’s perspective


Protein, hormones & overall wellness: A Naturopath’s perspective

21 August, 2024

We sat down with Naturopath Chae from The Wellness Emporium to discuss the vital role of protein in hormone balance, vitality, and overall well-being. Discover her advice on what to look for in a protein powder and why it’s an important part of your wellness routine.

We’ve all experienced those days where we feel drained, overwhelmed, and lacking energy - a state often tied to hormone imbalances. What many of us might not realise is the crucial connection between protein and hormone regulation. According to Gold Coast local Naturopath, Chae from The Wellness Emporium, ensuring adequate protein intake is foundational for a balanced, vibrant life.

“Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in multiple systems within our body,” Chae explains. “It’s often referred to as the building blocks of life, and for good reason. The amino acids that make up protein are vital for many reasons including growing and repairing body tissues, producing hormones and brain chemicals, supporting a healthy body weight, immune strength and maintaining healthy skin, nails, and hair. Not to mention, they also serve as a key energy source.”

So what should you look for when choosing a Protein Powder?

When it comes to selecting a protein powder, Chae emphasises the importance of simplicity and quality. “As a naturopath working with clients who have gut issues and sensitivities, I know how important it is to choose a protein powder that aligns with our bodies' needs. When selecting a protein powder, I always prioritise simple, wholefood ingredients. Contrary to popular belief, more ingredients don't necessarily mean better quality or better for you. In fact, simplicity is often key.”

Chae also advises being vigilant about what to avoid. “Aside from sugars like sucralose, there’s another sneaky ingredient I recommend steering clear of: ‘natural flavours.’ This term may sound harmless, but it often masks a cocktail of ‘natural’ chemicals used to create a specific flavours profile, without the need to disclose the exact components. As a naturopath, transparency is crucial to me. I want to know exactly what I’m consuming and prescribing to my clients.”

The impact of protein deficiency on hormones

Understanding how a lack of protein affects your body is key to recognizing symptoms of deficiency. Protein is intricately linked to hormonal balance, and insufficient intake can disrupt this delicate equilibrium. “Without enough protein in our diet, our bodies struggle to produce and regulate hormones effectively, leading to a host of potential imbalances,” Chae notes.

For women this can manifest in many ways. “A deficiency can lead to fatigue, poor wound healing, acne, and of course, hormonal imbalances. These imbalances can have far-reaching effects on energy levels, mood, and overall health.”

If these symptoms sound familiar, you're not alone. Chae shares, “It’s incredibly common - I’d say 9 out of 10 of my clients aren’t getting enough protein! This is why it’s a key focus in my consultations. Ensuring adequate protein intake is foundational to overall health and well-being.”

Embody Protein: A Naturopath’s Choice

Chae has been incorporating our new Embody Protein Powder into her regular routine as needed, and has experienced its benefits firsthand. “The biggest difference I noticed since incorporating enough protein into my diet is sustained energy throughout the day. Those 3pm slumps? They’re a thing of the past!”

For Chae, adding Embody Protein to her routine has been a convenient way to meet her body’s needs, especially on training days. “While I always prioritise wholefoods as my primary source of protein (from both animal and plant based sources), there are times when a little extra supplementation is needed. On my training days, I’ve been incorporating Embody Protein to give my protein levels a boost. It’s been a convenient and effective way to ensure I’m meeting my body’s needs, especially when my demands are higher.”

Try boosting your protein intake with the vegan protein Embody in Cacao or Vanilla by adding it to smoothies, baking, oats, yoghurt or even pancakes - there are countless delicious ways to nourish your body every day. See our collection of recipes using our vegan protein for inspiration.

The Wellness Emporium