The Sol Journal

Exercise and Nutrition During Your Cycle 


Exercise and Nutrition During Your Cycle 

16 May, 2024

We've teamed up with Muse Pilates, who have studios in Sydney, Canberra and Newcastle, to discuss cyclical fitness and nutrition and learn how listening to your body can elevate your exercise experience.

Have you ever wondered why you feel strong and mighty during reformer Pilates one week and then tender and fragile the next? It’s time to learn everything you need to know about syncing your workouts with the natural hormonal changes your body endures every month!

Get ready to discover how Reformer Pilates fits into this approach, offering adaptable class styles designed to support your body's changing needs. Join us as we explore the science behind cyclical fitness and uncover the perks of integrating Pilates into your routine for strength, balance and overall well-being. Let's embark on this journey together and explore how listening to your body can elevate your fitness experience.

Exercise & nurtrition during your cycle

Understanding cyclical fitness

Cyclical fitness is all about syncing up your workouts with your menstrual cycle! It's about tuning into how your energy levels and mood change throughout the month and adjusting your exercise routine accordingly.

So, what does the menstrual cycle look like for your body? Your menstrual cycle isn't just about your period – it’s a natural hormonal process that impacts your energy levels, mood and physical performance. We’ll go into more depth about this below but to put it simply;

  1. Menstruation: a bleeding cycle to shed the uterine wall.
  2. Follicular: a rise in estrogen which boosts vitality, motivation and confidence.
  3. Ovulation: in your peak of fertility, your body will release an egg and estrogen levels will reach an all-time high.
  4. Luteal: as your body prepares for pregnancy or your period, your estrogen levels will start to decrease and your progesterone levels increase, often inducing a state of calmness and reflection.

So, whether you're feeling like a powerhouse during ovulation or craving some gentle movement during your period, cyclical fitness is about embracing those fluctuations and working with your body, not against it.

Navigating exercise for your menstrual cycle

Now that you understand what each of the phases looks like for your body on a hormonal level, let's take a closer look at how you could create a plan for your menstrual cycle and exercise options.


Ah, the good ol’ menstrual phase, aka your period. While this phase can be pretty different for everyone, you’ll likely experience a range of bodily changes such as cramps, fatigue, tenderness and mood swings. During this time, you should take it easy and give your body as much rest as possible. With this in mind, your cyclical fitness plan should be focused on gentle and low-impact exercises like stretch and release Pilates classes, Yin yoga and walking. This is also a great time to rest and recover your muscles and joints from your usual high-intensity exercises.


As your body gears up for ovulation, you may notice a surge in energy and motivation during the follicular phase. This is a great time to ramp up the intensity of your workouts and explore more dynamic forms of exercise. Think jumpboard Pilates classes, strength training, or hot yoga classes to make the most out of your increased stamina and endurance.


Congratulations – you've reached the ovulatory phase! With estrogen levels at an all-time high and energy levels soaring, now's the time to embrace activities that make you feel powerful and vibrant. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Pilates classes, dance workouts or outdoor bike riding can all be exhilarating options to explore during this phase.


As you move into the luteal phase, progesterone levels rise and your body prepares for potential pregnancy. This phase often brings out feelings of calmness and self-reflection, but it can also come with PMS symptoms like bloating and irritability. Similarly to when you exercise for menstrual cycle, try workouts that offer gentle yet effective relief, such as stretch and release Pilates classes, slow-flow yoga or walking.

Reformer Pilates: Exercise for your menstrual cycle

Flexible exercise

Reformer Pilates stands out as a flexible exercise choice, tailored to the ever-changing phases of your menstrual cycle. It adapts seamlessly to your body's needs, offering a dynamic workout experience regardless of whether you're feeling energetic during ovulation or seeking gentle movement during menstruation.

Holistic approach

This holistic approach to fitness boasts a variety of benefits, with core strength being a primary focus. Through targeted exercises, Reformer Pilates strengthens your core muscles, enhancing stability and alignment, which means improved posture and resilience in daily activities. It also works on your flexibility by elongating and strengthening muscles, enhancing overall mobility and reducing the risk of injury.

Nurturing the body

Beyond physical gains, Reformer Pilates nurtures body awareness through precise, controlled movements. This heightened awareness extends beyond the studio, empowering you to move mindfully in all aspects of life. With its adaptability, Reformer Pilates offers a comprehensive fitness solution that not only strengthens your body but also fosters a deeper connection with yourself, no matter where you are in your menstrual cycle.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise during your menstrual cycle. Listen to your body's cues, honour what feels right for you and don't be afraid to adapt your workouts as needed. By embracing the ebb and flow of your cycle, you can create a fitness routine that supports your overall well-being and empowers you to thrive in every phase of your menstrual journey.

Nutrition for hormonal harmony throughout your cycle

In the realm of overall health, the importance of hormonal balance cannot be overstated. It lends itself to many aspects of our well-being, influencing our mood, metabolism, and reproductive health.

The Gut-Hormone connection

Our gut health profoundly influences hormone balance. The gut microbiota, as we often touch on, are a community of beneficial bacteria that aid digestion, produces essential nutrients, and influences hormonal behaviour. A healthy gut supports the regulation of hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. Thus, maintaining gut health is of high priority in ensuring hormonal equilibrium. Thankfully, the gut microbiota is very easily influenced by what you eat, highlighting the importance of nutrition throughout your cycle.

Nourishing your hormones with food

These foods, when incorporated into meals, effortlessly fulfil nutritional requirements, contributing to hormonal health. This can be used as a checklist for the day to ensure you are getting a variety of these hormone loving foods;

  • Omega-3 Fatty acids: Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and brussels sprouts.
  • Colourful fruits and vegetables: Eatthe rainbow for antioxidants and help protect from oxidative stress.
  • Lean proteins: Chicken, turkey, tofu, and legumes provide essential amino acids for hormone.

Read our article What is Hormonal Harmony & How to Know if You're Out of Balance to deep dive further into the role of nutrution and your hormones.

Need help balancing your hormones and supporting your gut-health? Our Gut Healing Cleanse was lovingly curated for those who thrive on grounding, warming foods and is designed to support and nourish your gut. Packed with anti-inflammatory foods high in antioxidants, our Gut Healing Cleanse focuses on gentle detoxing, whilst soothing and nurturing your digestive system.

Thanks to our friends at Muse Pilates for their contribution to this article.