The Sol Journal

Time for a Winter mid-year recharge


Time for a Winter mid-year recharge

19 July, 2024

Rediscover your balance and vitality with expert tips from Chelsea Pottenger, and make the next six months your best yet.

As we move past the midpoint of the year, many of us feel the weight of unmet goals and a creeping sense of burnout. This period often leaves us craving a reset, a chance to reprioritise our well-being and rekindle our physical and mental health.

The middle of the year is a perfect time to pause, reflect on the past six months, and set fresh intentions for the months ahead. To help you navigate this process, we turned to Chelsea Pottenger, founder and director of EQ Minds - a business established to educate and empower people on how to prioritise and care care for their mental health. With a postgraduate degree in psychology and accredited Mindfulness and meditation coach, Chelsea’s expertise makes her the ideal guide for those of us feeling the mid-year slump.

If you can relate to this feeling, Chelsea recommends resetting and recharging your mind, body and soul with the following strategies.

Your mid-year action plan

For your Mind

  1. Revisit & realign your goals
    Take a moment to review your goals. Are they still lighting your path? Don't hesitate to refine and adjust your direction.
  2. Digital detox for clarity
    Constant information overload can drain your energy. Disconnect for a day or weekend and feel your stress levels decrease.
  3. Practice mindfulness
    Even just 5 minutes of meditation a day can do wonders for your mental health. The key is to stay consistent. Download free meditations here.

For your Body

  1. Plan a mini-escape
    Taking breaks is essential for your overall well-being, and it doesn't need to be expensive. You could explore a new town, take a weekend trip or plan a relaxing staycation.
  2. Sleep is your superpower
    Getting good quality sleep is a foundational pillar for your mental health. Learn actionable tools on how to improve your sleep here.
  3. Reset & nourish
    Our organic Cleanse Programs offer the perfect reset for your busy schedule. Available in three different lengths, our cleanses provide essential support to rid your body of toxins while nourishing it with healing whole foods. Each program comes with a complimentary booster pack of supplements, lifetime access to our Online Wellness Portal, and resources to help reset your mind, body, and soul.

For your Soul

  1. Connect & recharge
    Spend quality time with loved ones, find a like-minded community or ring a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. Remember, your time is precious, spend it with those who fill you up.
  2. Self-care (no really!)
    Self-care is not selfish, it's self-preservation. Find what works for you and stick to it. Ideas include: yin yoga, getting a facial, spending time alone or reading a fiction book before bed.
  3. Make time for creativity
    Bring out your inner child and allow yourself the space to play! Express yourself through art, music, writing, or whatever sparks your joy.

Learn More from Chelsea Pottenger

For additional insights into enhancing your well-being, check out Chelsea’s book, 'The Mindful High Performer'. This guide is filled with her lived experiences and science-backed strategies to help you get back on track.

Embrace this mid-year moment to recharge and refocus. With Chelsea's tips and our tailored cleanse programs, you can finish the year feeling balanced and invigorated.