The Sol Journal

Can a juice cleanse help you lose weight?


Can a juice cleanse help you lose weight?

19 September, 2023

Let's take a closer look at the science behind cleansing and how potential weight loss can come about naturally whilst on a cleanse.

After 10 years of nourishing our community with our Organic Cleanses, we’re still always asked “Can a juice cleanse make you lose weight?” and it’s not a simple answer. Whilst our cleanse programs have been reported to help you feel physically lighter, we like to focus on the plethora of additional benefits that come with completing a cleanse. These include better moods, clearer skin, reduced bloating, increased energy and a deep sense of motivation to implement healthier choices.

Taking care of our bodies is the purest act of self love that we all deserve, which is why as a brand, we prefer to focus on nourishment, healing and gentle detoxing; as opposed to weight loss.

To separate fact from fiction, let's take a closer look at the science behind cleansing and how potential weight loss can come about naturally whilst on a cleanse.


The calorie in calorie out equation

One of the most obvious ways that juice cleanses can contribute to weight loss is by reducing your caloric intake. Sol Cleanse programs involve consuming organic juices, smoothies, soups and in some cases light meals for a period of time, which means you're likely to consume fewer calories than you would on a normal given day. This calorie deficit can lead to weight loss over the course of the cleanse.

The amount of weight lost is varied depending on your individual body and energy expenditure, with some people losing up to 1kg per day whilst cleansing. However, it's important to know that this is not entirely sustainable and when you start eating again it is natural for some weight to return. It is the motivation to make healthier choices after your cleanse that can contribute to more sustainable weight loss if that is your intention.


Reduced bloating for a flatter stomach

Another benefit of cleansing is that it can help reduce bloating, with our customers saying they enjoy the feeling of a flatter stomach during their cleanse. This is because whilst cleansing, many common irritants or inflammatory foods are replaced with anti-inflammatory ingredients, some of which also have a natural diuretic action helping the body to remove wastes. By incorporating healthy, wholefoods into your diet after your cleanse, you can work to discover and reduce bloating triggers over the long term.


Making healthier choices easier

One of the most powerful benefits of juice cleanses is that they help overhaul your cravings, empowering you to make healthy choices once you’ve completed your cleanse. After consuming only juice or our wholefood meals, the body is returned to a more natural state of homeostasis that is less affected and controlled by cravings for sugars, caffeine and processed foods. Your taste buds become more in tune with the taste of “real” foods and it’s very common to gravitate towards more nourishing meals (yes you can crave salads!).

This can make it easier to stick to a healthier diet after your cleanse is over, encouraging habits that maintain your weight loss over the long term. The beautiful thing about this is that rather than making food choices that make you feel like you’re restricted or missing out, these choices naturally serve you from a place of empowerment and knowing what feels good for your body.


Body in harmony

Organic juice cleanses can help your body operate at its best by ridding your organs and body systems of built up excess toxins. It's important to note that you may need to do a longer cleanse or seasonal cleanses to see optimal results depending on your starting point of health, however each cleanse is helping to chip away at the load.

When your cells, organs and body systems are operating as they should, working together to control all processes of the body, weight loss efforts are more effective. This is as these systems have had time to repair and return to a higher state of functioning for overall better health and vitality.



Alongside our juice cleanse plans we also provide all our cleansers with activities and meditations supporting greater levels of self-love and self-acceptance.

Many people talk about how they become more connected with themselves during a cleanse, which in turn encourages you to make choices that serve your greatest good and support your wellbeing. By making choices in alignment with this, you will either naturally lose weight, or you will find yourself loving yourself completely and having absolute awe and gratitude for your body whatever size you are!


Can a juice cleanse make you lose weight?

Yes, as we discovered the calorie reduction during your cleanse can lead to weight loss. Plus a flatter tummy, more energised body and clearer mind are definitely known to improve confidence and make you feel good fast. But it's important to think of juice cleanses as a tool to ignite a healthy lifestyle, rather than a quick fix for weight loss programs. Practising self-love and committing to healthy habits can be supported with regular cleansing (we recommend a cleanse every 3 months), to maintain your healthy weight and enjoy a more balanced, energised life.