The Sol Journal

3 misconceptions of juice cleansing


3 misconceptions of juice cleansing

11 October, 2023

Join us as we debunk juice cleansing myths and unveil our unique philosophy on the topic—get ready for a fresh perspective!

The words "detox" and "cleansing" can have different connotations or practices amongst different people; of course, we have our unique take on them too. We wanted to address some misconceptions about juice cleansing and clear up the three big areas of cleansing that have some people scratching their heads in confusion. By sharing our philosophy on the matter, we hope we are aligned with our community and inspire you to think about what cleansing means to you?

Misconception 1: Juice magically dispels the body of all toxins.

While that sounds miraculous, your very clever liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, skin and lymphatic system are responsible for removing toxins from your body. Instead, a juice cleanse focuses on creating the right conditions for these organs to do their job efficiently.

Whilst on a cleanse, you are giving your body a break from caffeine, alcohol, pesticides (the reason you should only ever cleanse organic!), gluten, grains, dairy, preservatives or anything processed and artificial. These common irritants can cause inflammation and the build-up of possible toxicities in our bodies. By removing these, you eliminate culprits that may strain our detoxification organs and create a more favourable environment for healing. In short, giving your body a much-needed break.

Sol Cleanse Review

On top of that, if you consider how much raw, organic produce it takes to make a single jar of our organic cold-pressed juices, you can bet that your body is receiving more micronutrients, vitamins and minerals than it does in a typical day of eating. The micronutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and our juices, support your vital organs to carry out various tasks, including removing wastes from your body.

One of the standout benefits we've found from 10 years of customer feedback is that our juice cleanses reset your relationship with food. You crave natural, raw fruits and vegetables and feel much less phased by your morning coffee ritual or food vices. When your 1, 3 or 5-day cleanse is finished, you naturally crave and continue to consume a higher ratio of micronutrient-dense plant foods.

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Misconception 2: Juice cleansing means I won't be getting enough fibre

Alright, let's get to the nitty gritty of fibre! When we're talking fibre, there are two basic types: soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. Fresh juice naturally has soluble fibre, that is, fibre that dissolves in water. Soluble fibre is a gel-like substance that assists in feeding our gut microflora as it is prebiotic, gives us a sense of "fullness", and balances our blood sugar levels.

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water, and leftover pulp from juicing is an excellent example of this "roughage". Insoluble fibre makes up the bulk of our stools because it is indigestible. There are still trace amounts present in juices, but most are removed. This is why some people can experience reduced bowel movements during a juice cleanse. A juice cleanse gives the digestive tract a chance to take a break from processing more insoluble fibre and "catch up", thoroughly cleaning out before eating more insoluble fibre again post-juice cleanse.

Considering that you would need to consume multiple kilograms of raw produce to get the same micronutrients during one day of juice cleansing, you can see the benefit of having less insoluble fibre as it removes the bulk of flesh from the produce. We are left with a super micronutrient-dense liquid, and our digestive system is given a break to heal and repair.

We include organic psyllium husks in all of our juice cleanses to stir into your juices as it is rich in insoluble fibre. That way, you get the benefit of micronutrient-dense raw juices with the addition of "roughage" to help with bowel movements and daily fibre intake.

If you are particularly concerned with getting enough insoluble fibre on your cleanse, we recommend our Level 1 Cleanse, Whole Foods Cleanse or Warm Cleanse, as they all contain meal, smoothie and soup options with a mix of both kinds of fibre. If you want to give your digestive system more of a break, our Level 3 Cleanse would be your best option, as the elixirs have removed almost all the insoluble fibre.

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Misconception 3: Juice cleansing is just about losing weight

While some people undertake a juice cleanse to lose weight, this is not our philosophy at Sol Cleanse. We are primarily concerned with resetting your relationship with food and yourself. Imagine you are at the end of January, and all you've been doing for the past 6 weeks is socialising, lazing by the sun, and indulging your senses in rich foods and cocktails, all of which have their place, we might add!

You wake up in February, and you're feeling sluggish. You're not sleeping as well as you usually do. You've been in "extrovert" mode for far too long, feeling drained. You're back working full time, and you can't find the motivation to meal prep and nourish your body as well as you would like to, so you reach for caffeine and quick and convenient foods to get you through the day. You're not feeling great about yourself and just can't find the courage to make some damn change. You're in a negative spiral; we've all been there.

We created Sol Cleanse to support you in these exact moments, for the opportunity to press pause for 1, 3 or 5 days and assess how you'd like to take care of yourself from now on. The beautiful thing is that when you consume nothing but pure plant nutrition for a few days, your taste buds reset, your eyes become brighter, your skin glows, you sleep better, and your energy levels improve. You start to feel great about what you are doing for your body and mind and want to keep these fantastic feelings going. And it's so much easier from here. You finish your cleanse, and you're craving fresh, whole foods because you can finally hear the subtle messages from your body. Movement becomes enjoyable. You have a clear vision for goals and are on a positive spiral of momentum. The only way is up, baby!

We would be lying if we said people don't tend to lose some weight through this process. It's only natural when you shift your diet entirely to fresh produce abundant in nutrients on a calorie deficit from your previous diet. But if that's what you came for, you will be pleasantly surprised when you realise the plethora of additional benefits of completing a cleanse. Thinking of juice cleanses as a tool to ignite a healthy lifestyle rather than a quick fix for weight loss programs is essential. Practising self-love and committing to healthy habits, supported with regular cleansing (we recommend a cleanse every 3 months), can help to maintain your healthy weight and enjoy a more balanced, energised life.

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Sol Cleanse Review
Sol Cleanse Review

So, what's your philosophy on cleansing? Are we aligned? We'd love to hear...