This is a question that we get asked a lot which is not surprising with the amount of information mothers-to-be get on what they can and can't consume. Lets dive into why juice cleansing is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, whilst exploring how juice can still be enjoyed during these special times.
Why you shouldn’t juice cleanse while pregnant
Firstly, we ask you to consider the energy of cleansing which is ultimately about elimination and detoxification. This energy is amazing during preconception whilst optimising your health however it is not the energy that we are wanting to harness while we are growing or nourishing a precious life.
Secondly, when we are cleansing, toxins and waste products are released into the bloodstream for elimination, putting extra stress on our bodies. Exposing yourself and the baby to increased toxic load is not recommended during pregnancy.
And finally, we need all of the energy and nutrients from food to sustain ourselves, the changes that are occurring in our body, and the new life that is growing. Therefore diets that are calorie restrictive, including cleanses, are not recommended.
How about postpartum and breastfeeding?
When your little angel is earthside and you are breastfeeding, you may be feeling tired (or rather, exhausted), sluggish and hoping to come home to your pre-birth body. However, while you are breastfeeding, it is also not recommended to cleanse for the reasons we have just explored. Mostly because of the toxin release and extra stress on your body, and the increase in your caloric needs when you are feeding a little one. Remember, it is such a short and special time to be sharing with your baby, don’t feel like you need to rush into anything – juice cleansing will be there for you when you (and bub) are ready!
Can I still enjoy cold pressed juices while pregnant?
Absolutely, in fact, it is an excellent way to get in daily organic nutrient dense goodness for you and bub, especially if you are on the beige train from your personal fruit or vegetable aversions. Our range of elixirs including smoothies, bone broths, soups and nut milks can be added to a balanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding to support increased energy needs or provide nourishment if your tummy is unsettled or are experiencing morning sickness.
How to include Juice in your diet for optimum health while you are pregnant or breastfeeding
Fruit and vegetable juices can be a wonderful way to get high density, easily absorbed nutrition into your body FAST (which is good when you are not feeling 100% and have limited time!).
When you are choosing your juice please remember:
- Fresh is best – make sure your juice is fresh and hasn’t undergone any processing to extend its shelf life (the juice should expire within 3-4 days if it is truly fresh)
- Make sure it doesn’t include any sugar, additives, preservatives, or numbers!
- Check the juice is made from fresh produce, not reconstituted Go organic! The less toxins you and your bub are exposed to the better.
- Make sure your juice is vegetable based and low in natural fruit sugars if you have or are concerned about gestational diabetes.
Our beautiful group of mothers in the Sol Cleanse team have found it very reassuring to know they were getting an abundance of nutrition from our fresh cold pressed organic juices for themselves and their baby while pregnant and breastfeeding – especially when it was difficult to find the time to look after themselves when the baby came! If you don’t have time to make juice for yourself, Sol Cleanse home-deliver the juice packs to straight your door.
You can learn more about our Organic Juice Packs here.