The Sol Journal

Chinese medicine tips for juice cleansing in winter


Chinese medicine tips for juice cleansing in winter

05 August, 2024

Winter cleansing calls for a mindful approach that aligns with the season's energy. Acupuncturist Jessica Hewett shares her top Traditional Chinese Medicine tips to help you get the most out of your winter juice cleanse.

Winter is a time for deep reflection and self-care, especially during a juice cleanse. At Sol Cleanse, we recently welcomed Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist, Jessica Hewett of Nuwa Natural Health, into our cleansing community. Jessica has shared her expert tips to help you maximise your winter cleanse by aligning with the seasonā€™s energy. From embracing the flow of water to nourishing your kidneys, discover how to detoxify and rejuvenate with the wisdom of Chinese medicine.

10 tips to supercharge your Winter juice cleanse

  1. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine links the seasons with vital organs in the body, and winter is about the kidneys and bladder ā€“ we are working with the element of water! Waterā€™s natural state is to flow, so going with the flow in winter is the attitude we need. Learning not to stress about things or be fearful of obstacles during winter helps us to relax and let things naturally flow ā€“ all will fall into place!
  2. Meditation, self-reflection and goal setting. Winter is the ideal time for goal setting and what perfect time to do this than on your winter cleanse. Meditation is also brilliant in winter, it is time for us to work with deeper reflection as we tend to be inside a lot more and in hibernation mode. Sometimes a walk outside if the sun is shining or inside listening to the rain or ocean is a perfect way to watch the world go by and find acceptance.
  3. Tongue scraping is an old practice used to reduce bacteria and toxins, improve taste sensation and reduce tongue coating. Studies today have shown that this ancient oral hygiene technique has a number of detoxifying benefits such as eliminating bad breath, boosting immunity and digestive health plus experiencing greater flavour in your food!
  4. Oil Pulling is another ancient technique used for oral hygiene and to help rid your body of toxins. The use of a good quality organic coconut oil is used to draw deeper toxins from the mouth, gums and throat. A great article to help you add this ritual into your daily routine can be found here.
  5. Ditch deodorants and makeup during your cleanse to eliminate unnecessary nasties while your body is detoxing. Anti-perspirant deodorants prevent the glands under the arm from excreting waste and chemicals found in makeup may leach into the bloodstream causing havoc on the endocrine system. Have a couple of days off your favourite beauty products, possibly using your cleanse as an opportunity to switch to organic alternatives. Just donā€™t forget to increase the frequency of your showers while the body adjusts.
  6. Treat yourself! Get some acupuncture, cupping or massage to help encourage detoxification and to love yourself up in between your liquid meals. There are so many benefits to receive from body therapy and I think that in today's world we forget about the importance of self-care and self-love.
  7. Use essential oils in the bath, in a diffuser, under your pillow or rub into your feet. Winter is about restoring the kidney energy ready for spring and the following oils are great to tonify the qi (energy) and calm the spirit:
    • Tonify qi: Angelica, Caraway, Coriander, Cumin, Hyssop, Neroli, Oregano, Pine.
    • To calm and relax: Chamomile, Frankincense, Lavender, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang.
  8. Incorporate yoga poses to support your kidneys in winter. Gentle sun salutes to help move any stagnant qi (energy) and increase spinal flexibility. The kidneys correlate to the bones which makes our spinal integrity and health a key part in our winter lifestyle. Strong folds such as Uttanasana (forward facing fold) and Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold) stretch the bladder and kidney meridians to clear any blockages. Cat cow or spinal flexion and extension movements are also a great warm up in the morning to encourage spinal movement as well a childā€™s pose to open up your kidney meridian to allow qi to move freely throughout the body.
  9. Sleep is vital and especially so during winter. Aim to go to bed earlier and get up later. Put your phone and laptop away when you are going to bed as interacting with these devices right up until you fall asleep will not allow your mind to switch off properly and get a quality deep sleep. This is the time when your body will relax and heal.
  10. Lastly, one of my favourites! A great way to keep warm in winter is a nice hot salt bath. Salt being the flavour of the kidneys and water being the element. It is also a lovely way to relax yourself and listen to some music or meditate. Put on some candles and get out those essential oils to get that deeper state of relaxation. Personally I think this is one of the best ways to regenerate the kidney qi.

If you would like to learn more about Jessica and the work she does through Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can find her at her beautiful Tugun Acupuncture Clinic, Nuwa Natural Health. Sheā€™s also spreading her light on Instagram and Facebook if you wish to get in touch!