The liver works hard daily to control detoxification, you could think of it as the ‘detox powerhouse” of the body.
Through complex reactions, it converts toxins into less harmful substances that can be easily excreted, metabolises nutrients and produces bile for fat digestion. The liver's detoxifying capacity protects us from burdens such as environmental pollutants, medications, alcohol, and toxins. Taking care of liver health with these 9 liver loving foods along with a balanced diet, exercise is essential for overall wellness.
Dandelion Root Tea:
Dandelion root tea is known to promote liver detoxification and has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Often used as a substitute for caffeine as the taste actually resembles coffee which is great if you’re wanting to cut back or go without coffee during your cleanse (as we suggest). Dandelion root is also featured in our beautiful blend of Organic Be Light Detox Tea.
Fermented Foods:
Probiotics from fermented foods support liver detoxification as they contain helpful bacteria that improve the intestinal barrier function which will help us to eliminate wastes better. They also enhance immunity through supporting the immune system against molecules that can cause liver damage. You can incorporate probiotic-rich fermented foods such as miso, organic yoghurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha into your diet to support a healthy digestive and immune system.
All hail turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, parsley and cinnamon! They work on many different systems of the body including stimulating bile production, gentle diuretics, and stimulating digestion and metabolism. These spices are the simplest way you can enhance your meals to support a healthy liver and add a detoxifying boost.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is the pantry staple holy grail. It can help with so many things including regulating blood sugar levels, probiotics for the gut, improving digestion, and what we’re all here for aiding in the removal of wastes. You can take a daily apple cider vinegar shot mixed with some juice or water, or add it to your salads with some olive oil and salt and pepper… delish!
If there wasn’t a good enough excuse to eat berries everyday, there is now! These small fruits are packed with powerful antioxidants and beneficial compounds that support liver function. The antioxidants found in berries, such as anthocyanins, help protect liver cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, berries are also rich in fibre, which aids in proper digestion and helps eliminate toxins from the body.
Cruciferous Veggies:
Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts, offer excellent support for liver detoxification. These veggies contain sulphur-containing compounds that enhance the liver's detoxification enzymes. They also provide a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals that aid in neutralising toxins and promoting optimal liver function.
Green Leafy Veggies:
Green leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with antioxidants and potassium. These veggies support the removal of toxins and reduce oxidative stress in the liver. Their high fibre content also promotes regular bowel movements, helping eliminate waste and toxins from the body, promoting better liver health.
While opinions on the taste of coriander can quite literally divide the best of friends, it does an incredible job at detoxifying the body by binding to heavy metals and removing them from the body. It also contains antibacterial compounds that protect against food poisoning and works as an anti-inflammatory.
Beetroot juice is often used to activate liver enzymes and increase bile, helping the liver to function optimally and remove toxins. Rich in antioxidants and betalains, it helps protect liver cells from damage and inflammation.
If you’re feeling like your liver needs a little more love, it might be time to gift your body with an organic cleanse. All our juices are created to support your body’s optimum functioning! Click here to begin exploring your cleanse options for a liver detox today.
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