Committing to a juice cleanse can feel overwhelming, we get it! What’s the hardest part of a juice cleanse? Often it can be the idea of having to fit your life around your cleanse, and for most of us this means cleansing while at work. We have some easy ways to make juice cleansing at work less daunting and more enjoyable, featuring our new Cooler Bag.
1. Have a schedule
Spacing your juices out throughout your work day will help keep any hunger at bay and regulate your blood sugar. While we recommend consuming a juice, elixir or soup every 2-3 hours, it is always best to listen to your body, choose what works for you and your work day.
We provide 6 nourishing juices, elixirs, soups or broths for a day of cleansing, always consume them in the order that makes sense to you. For example, if you work out in your lunch break you may want to have your soup or smoothie at this time as it is more filling than a juice. Create a schedule that works for your lifestyle!
2. Keep your juice fresh & accessible
We want to make your cleanse experience as easy and accessible as possible while you are at work and we have created our brand new Cooler Bag for that reason! With convenience and functionality in mind our Sol Cleanse Cooler Bag has been thoughtfully designed with insulated thermal lining, velcro close and a water resistant canvas fabric. This means you can arrive at work with all your cleanse essentials stylishly packed away for your busy day. Take your cleanses with you for meetings or out of office appointments with our brand new insulated lunch bag.
3. Stay hydrated
While cleansing at work, whether you're at your desk, outdoors or on your feet all day make sure to listen to your body's cues and stay hydrated with water and our Be Light Detox Tea. Adding this delicious tea to your cleanse ritual while at work helps to regulate your blood sugar during a busy day. This delicious tea with peppermint, fennel and rose helps to regulate blood sugar and curb cravings while you work.
4. Get your team onboard
Enjoy your juice cleanse with your work mates! Cleansing with a colleague can make cleansing at work fun and motivating. If you plan to cleanse at the same time it is a great way to boost morale and keep each other in check while cleansing. It is easy to organise a team cleanse by having all cleanses delivered on the same date (within our delivery areas). That way you can have a team of support throughout your work day and all enjoy the benefits of cleansing at the same time.
5. Let us take care of you
During your cleanse be sure to make use of our online wellness portal. Prepare yourself for the day with the tools we provide for you. We help guide you through each day of your cleanse with intention setting guides, what to expect, breath work, yoga and meditation. Implementing these rituals will help to set up your day and guide you through a successful cleanse.