Juice fasting and working out… Can it be done?
Generally speaking, we don’t recommend working out whilst on your cleanse journey, especially high intensity style workouts. The reason being, you will have a naturally lower caloric intake whilst you are cleansing which will not provide you with enough energy to sustain vigorous activities. Workouts during this time can put the body under extra unnecessary stress, whilst your body is busy at work detoxing and clearing up unwanted wastes, which surprisingly takes a lot of energy! Below are our tips and best cleanse to choose for those that feel energised enough and wish to stay active.
How can I workout on a juice cleanse?
Engaging in gentle and mindful exercise while you are cleansing can be very beneficial as it helps stimulate the lymphatic system, and increases respiration – both of which are important aspects of detoxification. Activities such as yoga, pilates, walking, dancing, bike riding, swimming and casual surfing can be great while you are cleansing, just be mindful to tune into your body and not to overdo it.
We have also created specialised cleanse and have made it possible to continue working out while juice cleansing with our Active Cleanse. This cleanse was developed especially for people who lead physically active lifestyles and want to do the best thing for their bodies, without compromising on energy and performance.
The Active Cleanse includes cold-pressed juices, nourishing smoothies, protein-rich kitchari, filling salads and snacks, so you can perform at your peak all day long. This way you can replenish and repair the body after exercise whilst maintaining boundless energy from the beautiful organic produce. This cleanse also includes our signature Sol Cleanse support products, probiotics, psyllium husk and a metal straw.
“I feel incredible and highly recommend Sol Cleanse. I love the convenience, ease, guidance and information it provides. Plus they tasted delicious. Being a PT, highly active and up early I did the 5 day active cleanse and wasn’t hungry or craving. I knew I’d feel more radiant, lighter and energetic. What surprised me was the mental alertness and clarity I also gained. Will be recommending this to people and I’ll definitely do it again. Thank you for the incredible product, service, passion and support you provide”
– Lisa
A more robust organic Cleanse for busy lifestyles
Even if you don’t plan on working out while juice cleansing, but you have a busy lifestyle, the Active Cleanse is designed to sustain your energy whilst detoxing your body at the same time.
“This cleanse was the perfect complement to my busy work week. It kept me energised, excited each morning to start the day and truly I never felt hungry or unable to finish my day with my usual yoga. The juices tasted divine but the biggest surprise was just the satisfied feeling I felt throughout and how I felt lighter but fuelled to combat my daily activities. I can’t wait to do this again soon!”
– Dominique.
So should you workout on a juice cleanse?
Listen to the signals of your body whilst you cleanse. If your cleanse is providing you with enough energy that you feel you can get a sweat on then great! If one day you’re feeling a little low in energy, then rest and recuperate. The gym will always be there once you are done.
Everyone’s cleansing experience is different, but we’re confident that the added nutrient dense extras included in the Active cleanse will leave you bounding with energy. If you have any questions about working out on a juice cleanse please feel free to have a chat with our friendly team about your options or take our quick quiz to see which cleanse level is best suited for you.